Everything you love about camp in one weekend!
2024 Reconnect Retreat
Remember that feeling you have when you go to camp?
Let's do it again for a weekend!
This is a special opportunity for 8th-12th graders to spend a weekend getting reconnected at Trout Creek. Amazing counselors, awesome friends, chapel, team comp, night games, zip line, fireside – all the things that make camp special and help encourage students in their faith.
Info & Details for Weekend
Registration for Weekend
Register campers online – click here!
Just like at summer camp, parents will drop off their camper & luggage without getting out of the car.
If campers have any medication to be taken during the weekend, parents are asked to check that in with camp staff. Please remember medications must be in original packaging.
Drop-Off & Pick-Up Info
Camper Drop Off: Friday, November 1st @ 5:00 – 5:45 pm
Camper Pick-up: Sunday, November 3rd @ 11:30 am

Spending Money
Just like during the summer, campers who want to purchase items in the Snak Shak or the Camp Store will need to have money loaded into their online store account. You can load money to the camper’s account during registration. If campers bring cash to camp, we will load it to their store account at camp.
Items in the Snak Shak range from $1 – $3.
Items in the Camp Store range from $3 – $35.
What to Pack
Just pack as you would for a typical week of camp, just not as much stuff because it’s only a weekend!
- Weather-appropriate clothing
- Sleeping bag and pillow
- Toiletries and towel
- Bible
- Prescription medications (must be checked-in w/ camp staff)
- Optional snacks, games, accessories you want to bring for an amazing weekend at camp!
Remember that we ask for cell phones and other electronics to be left at home to experience camp together fully!
Weekend Activities
- ministry safe -
Trained Staff
This badge indicates that a church or ministry has taken proactive steps to train staff members and volunteers to address the risk of child sexual abuse in ministry programming. In any child-serving context, training is the first step in any effort to protect children from sexual abuse.