- what to expect -


We seriously couldn’t have camp without Crew! They help keep the camp clean, maintained, safe, and beautiful for the campers to enjoy! If you love helping behind the scenes with friends, have a servant’s heart, and want to have fun … CREW IS FOR YOU!

Crew is for anyone who has completed 9th grade by the start of Summer!

- staff quotes -

Crew Memories

The staff forms a family-like bond so even when we aren't at camp I will have amazing lifelong friends.

Bumble BeeCrew ('20)
Bumble Bee – crew ’20

A great atmosphere of learning about God and learning perseverance through work. A fun time overall.

Prince CharmingCrew ('19) + Activity/Rec ('20-'21)
Prince Charming – 2019

My absolute favorite part of TCBC is the community you get to be apart of as a staff member.

EscapéCrew ('18), Kitchen Crew ('19), Counselor ('20), Camp Cook ('21)
Escapé – program ’19

I have a better working attitude now that I have worked on crew cleaning bathrooms and doing dishes.

Bumble BeeCrew ('20) + CIT ('21)
Bumblebee – crew ’20

God taught me this last summer to trust in Him and turn to Him with everything, and that prayer works!

TwixCrew ('22)

Volunteering at camp was the best choice I've ever made; it allowed me to grow in faith and make new friends! It felt like I was repaying what had been given to me through the camp.

PoloCrew ('21)

It was a learning experience, learning more about God, learning more about working with people, and especially learning how to be there for people who are having bad days because you are all family, and you are each other's shoulders to cry on when you work there VERY FUN!

TopangaCrew ('21)
Topanga – 2021 crew

Working on Crew at TCBC was very fulfilling; I got to form close bonds with other staff members and grow in my relationship with God. I had a great summer!

AstroCrew ('20)
Astro – crew ’20

One of my favorite memories from the summer was the last worship night when we all worshiped our hearts out together.

Razzle DazzleCrew ('22)
Razzle Dazzle – Crew ’22

God has taught me how to love others even when it's difficult, and I’ve learned to be obedient to Him and what he commands me. He’s also taught me to trust His plan for me.

NaluCrew ('22)
Nalu – Crew ’22

My experience at camp this summer was LIFE CHANGING! It was the most fun thing I've ever done, and I got to meet a lot of great people. It was so much fun to serve the Lord and be with friends all day.

QuesoCrew ('21)

God has taught me how to just fully trust and rely on Him as I do hard jobs and work through problems with others.

FizzCrew ('22)
Fizz – Program ’22

My life has been transformed by camp in many ways, specifically during my crew year for someone who was totally a introverted homeschooler to making friends all summer long, and just diving into the Word.

EscapéCrew ('18), Kitchen Crew ('19), Counselor ('20), Camp Cook ('21)
Escapé – crew ’18

If you've completed 9th grade by summer, apply to work on Crew!

Apply to Serve on Staff