Meet atlas!!

Summer 2018 was his 3rd summer on staff and we can’t wait for you to get to know this awesome dude!

Also this past December 2018, Atlas completed Basic Training with the Army!
Did you go to TCBC as a camper?
Yes, for 5 years.
How did you hear about TCBC?
My friends from church recommended it to my mom when I was younger.
What do you want to be when you grow up?
I wanted to be an Astronaut!

How did you decide on your camp name?
I was with my family one day and I just happened to be looking at a world atlas and then I thought that was a cool name.
Do you ever wish people called you by your camp name outside of camp?
If you were stranded on an island and had to pick 3 TCBC staff members to rescue you, who would it be and why?
Blazer for his survival skills. Cha Cha for his music. And Poncho for his humor.
What are some of your favorite things about TCBC?
The people who work there and the amazing outdoor environment.
What’s your favorite activity at camp?
Team Competition
What is one of your favorite camp songs?
“Fill up my cup” and “I like Bananas”.
What is your favorite camp skit?
The Sin Box.
What is your favorite camp meal?

What is your favorite game we play at camp?
Wells Fargo!
What is a God-moment camper story that you’ve seen or been a part of?
One of my campers accepted Christ into his life!
How has your life been transformed by working at camp?
I’ve become a harder worker and a better person because of camp.
What is a personal God-moment for you that you had at camp?
He gave me the strength I needed to do my job.
How has your life been impacted after working at camp?
It has become a lot more confident in sharing about Christ.
What has God been teaching you lately?
To not be worried about anything and to be confident in myself.
What Bible verse have you been going back to lately? What is it teaching you?
Phil. 4:4 … That I should find joy in the Lord always no matter how hard my situation is.
What spiritual truths have you been learning about lately?
That we all deserve punishment but the Lord loves us and forgives us and died for us so that we won’t experience that punishment!
What has God been saying to you lately?
Be strong and still in me.
How did you hear about TCBC?
I learned about camp from my sister.

What is one embarrassing camp moment that you’ve experienced?
Tripping and falling right in front of the whole camp!!
What is one of your fondest memories from working on staff?
Pulling a tree out of the ground with my crew mates.
What is your favorite place at TCBC?
TC Falls because it has beautiful sights and sounds.
What staff member has had the biggest impact on you at TCBC?
How would you explain working at TCBC to people who have never done it before?
One of the best experiences of your life!!
What are some of the weirdest or funniest things a camp has said or done to you?
Knock Knock.
Who’s there?
Rock who?
A rock a bye baby.

What jobs have you had at camp?
Crew (2016), CIT (2017), and Counselor (2018)
What did you love about a job you had?
I loved the hard work that being on crew provided.
What was one of the hardest parts of a job you had?
Not getting enough sleep.
What makes working at camp so fun?
The people who worked alongside of me.
Would you recommend working at camp to someone? Why?
Yes, it would be awesome if they had the same experience that I had.
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