- what to bring -
Packing List
This is a list of general items that we recommend bringing for a week at camp.
click the + to open up each item
Overnight Camp Packing List
Shorts, Shirts, Socks, Underwear, PJ’s, Sweatshirt, Athletic shirt & shorts, Clothes you can get dirty, Girls bring a Wacky Wednesday outfit, and Boys bring a Thuper Thursday outfit!
Modest swimsuit (1 piece or Tankini), Towel, Goggles (optional)
Water shoes (ones you won’t lose in the mud), Tennis shoes (closed-toed for running & go-karts), Sandals
Shampoo/conditioner, Soap, Toothpaste, Toothbrush, Deodorant, Hair Brush, Towel
Sleeping Bag, Pillow
Other Stuff:
Bible, Notebook, Pen, Flashlight, Sunscreen, Bug spray
Please note: the above items are general needs for all sessions.
Things you don't need
Phone (smart or otherwise), iPod or iPad, Any other electronic / tech gadgets
Valuables or Keepsakes
** TCBC does not allow any campers to have phones with them during the week. If phones are found / turned in while campers are at camp they will be stored in the Camp Office and given back to the parents at pick-up. Please see our Electronic Policy if you have questions.
We provide all the entertainment and music for campers during the week! And we have phones in the office to use in case of emergency.

Please Note
Mark all items with the camper’s first & last name.
Use discretion in sending valuable or sentimental items.
Trout Creek cannot take responsibility for lost or stolen items.